Heated seat on an LC RT

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Re: Heated seat on an LC RT

Post by Sprintgull »

Apologies for going back over old ground.

A few weeks back I posted that my Sargent seat appeared not to be heating (thanks to those who responded).  Well, there's more....  Yesterday I swapped back to the original BMW seat, and that's not heating either.  I've not had time to put a meter across it yet, but was wondering if anyone else has had a similar fault and found a fix for it.

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Re: Heated seat on an LC RT

Post by Hors Piste »

I have a 2019 and did about 50 miles on it yesterday at ambient 6.5 and 5 bars setting.  I could just about feel the faint warmth.  Fortunately I had my Warm'n Safe jacket which kept me nice and toasty.
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Re: Heated seat on an LC RT

Post by PeteM »

Sprintgull wrote: Apologies for going back over old ground.

A few weeks back I posted that my Sargent seat appeared not to be heating (thanks to those who responded).  Well, there's more....  Yesterday I swapped back to the original BMW seat, and that's not heating either.  I've not had time to put a meter across it yet, but was wondering if anyone else has had a similar fault and found a fix for it.


Obvious first check - the fuse
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Re: Heated seat on an LC RT

Post by Sprintgull »

I think the fuses are okay. Unless there's a hidden discrete fuse for the seats, there are only two on the 2016. Both control lots of stuff an everything else works. Actually the heated seats don't show on the which fuse controls what chart. Helpful.....
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Re: Heated seat on an LC RT

Post by 7vwh »

Last September on a euro tour I found neither heated seat would work and after a month of being back the battery failed. In the manual there is a fail safe where if there is insufficient power avaialble from the battery the seats won't work (page 77). It suggests there should be a battery warning symbol on the dash but I didnt get this. Just another consideration for you. Craig
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Re: Heated seat on an LC RT

Post by bandytales »

PeteM wrote:
Obvious first check - the fuse

I think you will find there are no fuses on the LC bikes - apart from the massive main fuse. It's all controlled via the CANbus system.

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Re: Heated seat on an LC RT

Post by bandytales »

Steve F wrote: So, what experience do other LC RT owners have with the heated seat (if only!)? For the record, mine is a 2015 model. Snotogram to BMW Head Office at Bracknell??

On my stock 'riders' seat, I could never feel the heat until I had covered a VERY long way. I now have a Sargent seat which warms up a tad quicker.
If you are concerned, you could get a multi-meter on 'volts' and measure the voltage to the seat connector. Then on 'ohms' and measure continuity through the seat heating element.

The pillion seat heats up a lot quicker.
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Re: Heated seat on an LC RT

Post by 7vwh »

On my 2014 there’s a 50A fuse for the voltage regulator,
a 15A fuse for instrument cluster, alarm, ignition lock, diagnostic socket and top case light,
and a 7.5A fuse for left multifunction switch, tyre pressure control and audio system.
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Re: Heated seat on an LC RT

Post by tojjer »

Just read this thread with interest. My 2016 hand grips get very hot, too hot in fact when cranked right up.
The seat on the other hand, I can honestly say I don't feel at all. I have had it up on full 5 bar setting with a view to feeling that I would need to turn it down, but I didn't.
The dash shows that it is activated and on, the bars show it is up at maximum.
Gonna get it back to the dealer soon to have it checked.
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Re: Heated seat on an LC RT

Post by Sprintgull »

Thanks to all who replied here. 

A bit more on this:  I checked the voltage across the plug coming to the seat - 13.5v.  Then I checked the BMW seat which showed a continuous circuit and resistance around 6 ohms.  The Sargent showed neither of these.  They are looking into how to fix it, answer awaited.

Just to be sure, when I went out last week on the bike I had the seat on full.  It was about 10 miles before I felt any heat at all, then it took a good while to get properly hot.
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Re: Heated seat on an LC RT

Post by tojjer »

I will leave the seat on full for an hour next time I'm out to see if it works eventually.

UPDATE:  Still not that hot. Dealer is having a look at it on Friday
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Re: Heated seat on an LC RT

Post by tojjer »

Well, Lovetts in Bristol had a look at my heated seat today. They came out and showed me a thermal image of my seat and the area that it is heating. It's working as it should apparently.
I can only think I'm not feeling it through my textile trousers, although I do still have the liners in them.
Couldn't argue with the image, most of the seat was "hot".
I have to say, the heated leather seats in my car are a different level of "heated" to the RT seat. I can actually feel the heat in the car. ::)
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Re: Heated seat on an LC RT

Post by buzz »

I've a 2016 LC, the grips warm up great ,but I find the seat never gets that warm either
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Re: Heated seat on an LC RT

Post by gadgetgaz »

I've come to this thread looking for info on the heated seats as mine don't seem to get hot. To be clear though my tests have only been in the garage as I haven't been riding due to the lockdown.
I tested with engine running and the battery voltage shows 14.3V and all the bars at full. The rider's seat is just about vaguely warm in the centre and I can't feel any warmth at all in the pillion seat.
I only just got the bike before the lockdown and the dealer is still closed so I can't do anything about it yet but I wondered whether there were any pre-requisites such as, for example, battery voltage must be at least xV and there must be actual weight on the seat?
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Re: Heated seat on an LC RT

Post by MikeS »

gadgetgaz wrote: I've come to this thread looking for info on the heated seats as mine don't seem to get hot. To be clear though my tests have only been in the garage as I haven't been riding due to the lockdown.
I tested with engine running and the battery voltage shows 14.3V and all the bars at full. The rider's seat is just about vaguely warm in the centre and I can't feel any warmth at all in the pillion seat.
I only just got the bike before the lockdown and the dealer is still closed so I can't do anything about it yet but I wondered whether there were any pre-requisites such as, for example, battery voltage must be at least xV and there must be actual weight on the seat?

Mines the same (1250RT),if I let it run while stationary for a few minutes I can barely feel any warmth. However, when I sit on it it warms up quickly and soon has to be turned down. I wonder if the heats just convected away without a bum on it? I haven't used the pillion seat but I'm sure it would be the same.

Have you tried just starting it up and sitting on it for a short while in the garage?

Ps Is convection the correct term?

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