
General discussion of the BMW R1200RT/R1250RT
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Great Britain

Re: handling

Post by David. »

T6pilot wrote:On the bikes with hill control, when it's engaged are the brake lights on, just asking.
Apparently the answer is yes, the brake light will remain on until the HSC is deactivated (manually) or you ride off.

Having looked in the Highway Code about Headlights & Fog Lights, came across this about Brake Lights.

"In stationary queues of traffic, drivers should apply the parking brake and, once the following traffic has stopped, take their foot off the footbrake to deactivate the vehicle brake lights.
This will minimise the glare to road users behind until the traffic moves again."

Not sure how this rule would be applied to motorcycles, bikes without HSC would also show a brake light if either the front lever or rear pedal was held on.
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