Riding with luggage & pillion
Re: Riding with luggage & pillion
If twisting the rubber is yer only problem I reckon she has cracked it.
We have never tried it but Ive seen it where the pillion actually uses the riders left footrest because its lower. It seems to work as well.
My missus has to throw her leg over the topbox as well I think it a age thing
We have never tried it but Ive seen it where the pillion actually uses the riders left footrest because its lower. It seems to work as well.
My missus has to throw her leg over the topbox as well I think it a age thing
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- Location: North Yorkshire UK
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Re: Riding with luggage & pillion
I stupidly showed this post to the "Wife" (well I thought it was funny !!). She is very keen to meet up and discuss the agility subject. Sorry but I can't be responsible for the outcome.iRider wrote: Ditch the weight and carry a credit card instead. Trade the wife in for a more agile model. Job sorted )
Re: Riding with luggage & pillion
Fitted Illium rear footboards for Wife, she loves them. Also helps to stop her moving forward when braking as she can put her weight onto the balls of her feet. They are also slightly lower than original footrests.
http://www.iliumworks.com/BMW_Motorcycle_Accessories.cfm?pn=11-700&pID=69 The only place to get them in the UK is Sportouring LTD in Wales. We paid £289.99 in September.
http://www.iliumworks.com/BMW_Motorcycle_Accessories.cfm?pn=11-700&pID=69 The only place to get them in the UK is Sportouring LTD in Wales. We paid £289.99 in September.
Last edited by Bertie on Sat Feb 06, 2016 4:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Re: Riding with luggage & pillion
They look good Bertie and no doubt practical, but IMO, too expensive just for a pair of foot rests ........ :-X
Last edited by stelyn on Sat Feb 06, 2016 5:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Only a Motorcyclist knows why a dog rides with his head out the car window
Re: Riding with luggage & pillion
Try telling the wife it's too much to spend for her comfort and extra security on the pillion!
I don't mind as you can take them off and transfer them to another RT if you change bikes in the future.

I don't mind as you can take them off and transfer them to another RT if you change bikes in the future.
Re: Riding with luggage & pillion
OK, I concede, as thinking about it, I did buy SWMBO, a comfort seat and new Helmet...... 

Only a Motorcyclist knows why a dog rides with his head out the car window
Re: Riding with luggage & pillion
Our Gee wrote: I stupidly showed this post to the "Wife" (well I thought it was funny !!). She is very keen to meet up and discuss the agility subject. Sorry but I can't be responsible for the outcome.
I'm up for testing her agility,

Four wheels move the body. Two wheels move the soul.
- Posts: 798
- Joined: Sun Nov 08, 2015 7:43 am
- Location: North Yorkshire UK
- Bike Model and Year: R1200RT 2011
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Re: Riding with luggage & pillion
Come on now Irider, lets keep some decorum and respect.
Last edited by Our Gee on Sun Feb 07, 2016 10:30 am, edited 1 time in total.
- Posts: 53
- Joined: Mon Sep 14, 2015 2:56 am
Re: Riding with luggage & pillion
We must be doing things backwards, but successfully. Wife is 5'4" with short legs. She boards first (with bike still on side stand) as if she were the rider, then just slides back onto the pillion seat. I then use the left rider peg to give a bit extra height to swing my right leg through. Once we are both aboard I have never had a problem standing the bike upright. My Harley friends think we are nuts, but if BMW offered TourPacks, we wouldn't have this issue.
Oh the places we will go
Re: Riding with luggage & pillion
BackAtIt53 wrote: We must be doing things backwards, but successfully. Wife is 5'4" with short legs. She boards first (with bike still on side stand)
You have a lot more faith in the side-stand bolt than I would ever have. I would never put a single person's weight through a side-stand, never mind rider + pillion or (worse) rider + pillion + luggage.
I can't help but think that will be a really good approach, right up until the day the bolt snaps - and one day it will...
Re: Riding with luggage & pillion
Me and her do it now and again. I also thought it would put a huge strain o on the side stand but I don't think it does. the instant the pillion puts weight on the peg the bikes suspension goes down a touch and by the time you get bum on seat it's normally not far off upright so the weight in straight down not through the stand. Wouldn't try it with the stand in a low curb though.
Last edited by guest2360 on Sat Feb 13, 2016 7:56 am, edited 1 time in total.
Re: Riding with luggage & pillion
I always do when getting on the service bike with the pod where the pillion seat would be as I can't raise my leg that high richardbd wrote:
You have a lot more faith in the side-stand bolt than I would ever have. I would never put a single person's weight through a side-stand, never mind rider + pillion or (worse) rider + pillion + luggage.
I can't help but think that will be a really good approach, right up until the day the bolt snaps - and one day it will...

Re: Riding with luggage & pillion
Our Gee wrote: Come on now Irider, lets keep some decorum and respect.
Seriously? If you think that was disrespectful then you probably need to get out more. It was a clean, light hearted comment that I wouldn't mind my wife reading. By all means hit the report button and let the Admins deal with it, if they think it was disrespectful then I will accept that judgment and leave the forum.
Four wheels move the body. Two wheels move the soul.
Re: Riding with luggage & pillion
RTman10 wrote: Me thinks Our Gee was having a laugh with you.
That's what I thought too...