Bluetooth audio sounds awful

Got any questions about the BMW's R1200RT/R1250RT's onboard audio, Bluetooth or the Electrical system?
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Re: Bluetooth audio sounds awful

Post by Casbar »

RTman10 wrote: Put all your troubles behind you and fit an Autocom. Less money, lot less stress and it lasts for years.  Bluetooth is one if those things that should have stayed in cars like central locking and cancelling indicators.

Lol predictable response. Bet you wish we still had gentlemen with red flags walking in front of cars. I also work in telecoms and IT, as I have said I am experiencing no issues with radio reception. Its not hi fi, but I'm probably too deaf to know the difference  ;)  Just a thought, but why don't you search on US RT forums to see if anyone else is experiencing this issue. In the US the vast majority us Senna or Scala BT
Last edited by Casbar on Sat Apr 09, 2016 6:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Re: Bluetooth audio sounds awful

Post by guest2360 »

My point is if you own a bike  that is ideally designed to carry two and its fitted with a £1000 audio kit  why connect to that with stuff that most of the time doesn't work properly and all the time can never fully connect.  There is nothing out of date about the latest wired systems and most cost considerably less than some BT stuff. I don't have the audio unit on my present bike so my Nav V is connected through an Autocom  BT dongle.  it does just that one job perfectly and in my experience with BT that's what it's good at, connecting one system to another, not doing three things at the same time.

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Re: Bluetooth audio sounds awful

Post by Casbar »

Yep, as I pointed out in several threads, do your own research and make your own decisions, don't listen to any so called experts. There are many other RT forums where advice can be found.
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Re: Bluetooth audio sounds awful

Post by Alf170 »

I am going to sit on the fence with hard wired Autocom in my left ear and Autocom Air BT in my right ear. There, all possibilities covered
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Re: Bluetooth audio sounds awful

Post by richardbd »

Alf170 wrote: I am going to sit on the fence with hard wired Autocom in my left ear and Autocom Air BT in my right ear. There, all possibilities covered
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Re: Bluetooth audio sounds awful

Post by timminator »

I say forget all that nonsense, I'm going to listen to my iPhone with earbuds at a cost of $0.  It fits neatly into my front pocket.  Well, cost is $0 since I already owned the iPhone.

What I'm curious about, does *anyone* actually ride down the street with the radio blaring through the speakers?  How loud does that have to be to hear through your helmet at any speed above 10mph?

Very tempted to remove the radio and speakers to gain the storage space.  And besides the Scala Rider BT has a built-in FM radio already.
Last edited by timminator on Sun Apr 10, 2016 2:38 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Bluetooth audio sounds awful

Post by guest2360 »

Got to ask. If you have no intention of using any part of the audio system why spend a small fortune buying it in the first place.  Maybe it was a free gift from your friendly salesman.

Re: Bluetooth audio sounds awful

Post by guest3074 »

RTman10 wrote: Got to ask. If you have no intention of using any part of the audio system why spend a small fortune buying it in the first place.  Maybe it was a free gift from your friendly salesman.
It possibly comes as standard for our USA friends?
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Re: Bluetooth audio sounds awful

Post by timminator »

RTman10 wrote: Got to ask. If you have no intention of using any part of the audio system why spend a small fortune buying it in the first place.  Maybe it was a free gift from your friendly salesman.

Hey RTMan10 - I fully intended to use the radio, and even activated a year's worth of the SiriusXM radio.  But only through my helmet, no interest in blaring loud music out the speakers while riding along.  But the way it sounds over bluetooth, it's not worth it to me.  There are many other options for putting music into my ears.  I will continue using BT for my iPhone, and likely stream music from that device.

The radio was part of the premium package that came with the bike, so I didn't really request it.  And compared to the other money I have spent on this bike for all the bells and whistles, gear, boots, Nav, etc...  The radio wasn't *that* big of an investment.  But that's just my 2 cents, to each his own.

Last edited by timminator on Sun Apr 10, 2016 4:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Bluetooth audio sounds awful

Post by guest2360 »

Understood.  How do you intend to connect to the GPS for prompts? 
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Re: Bluetooth audio sounds awful

Post by timminator »

RTman10 wrote: Understood.  How do you intend to connect to the GPS for prompts?

I typically don't use the audio features with the Nav, just as visual guidance.  But I could still connect it to the other BT channel on my Scala Rider if I need to, I don't think it relies on the radio, correct?
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Re: Bluetooth audio sounds awful

Post by richardbd »

timminator wrote:
I typically don't use the audio features with the Nav, just as visual guidance.  But I could still connect it to the other BT channel on my Scala Rider if I need to, I don't think it relies on the radio, correct?

If it's an LC RT, I don't think you can do that.  The Nav 5 knows it's connected to an audio-equipped bike and won't let you connect a helmet directly to the GPS.  That's definitely the case for trying to play music via the Nav 5 but it may be different for just getting navigation prompts...

Re: Bluetooth audio sounds awful

Post by guest2360 »

Correct it does not. As for the bike speakers. I know nobody who would consider using them on the road above about 30mpg with the screen all the way up. But the audio unit itself properly connected to your helmet is a quality bit of kit.  A usb stick loaded with MP3 music works a treat with full control on the wheel and full info on the dash. Worth a try, honest.

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Re: Bluetooth audio sounds awful

Post by timminator »

RTman10 wrote: Correct it does not. As for the bike speakers. I know nobody who would consider using them on the road above about 30mpg with the screen all the way up. But the audio unit itself properly connected to your helmet is a quality bit of kit.  A usb stick loaded with MP3 music works a treat with full control on the wheel and full info on the dash. Worth a try, honest.

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Thanks all, I will continue experimenting with the system.  I'm not in any rush, I have all summer to play with this toy!
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Re: Bluetooth audio sounds awful

Post by Maz12 »

richardbd wrote:
If it's an LC RT, I don't think you can do that.  The Nav 5 knows it's connected to an audio-equipped bike and won't let you connect a helmet directly to the GPS.  That's definitely the case for trying to play music via the Nav 5 but it may be different for just getting navigation prompts...
Not quite,  I tried this today and it worked..  With a minor tweek
By putting a piece of insulation tape over one of the connections on the rear of the nav v I had direct connection to my system 6 lid/Bluetooth and could use the MP3 player on nav and get voice prompts
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