Experience with BMW's Bluetooth Communication System.

Got any questions about the BMW's R1200RT/R1250RT's onboard audio, Bluetooth or the Electrical system?
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Re: Experience with BMW's Bluetooth Communication System.

Post by beemerboy9 »

I have used Autocoms for the past 20 years, always with RTs with audio units.

I always have them installed professionally by a company called Chainspeed, near Coventry, whose MD is an ex-Autocom installation engineer. What he does not know about Autocom systems is not worth knowing - and he installs so well that there is never any need to go back until you change the bike. It's worth giving Sam a call to discuss your problems -  and he sells a variety of Bluetooth systems as well.  If you call, tell him I sent you.

The Autocom hub is wired via a relay, which ensures that it goes off with the ignition. Audio is obtained by tapping into the speaker wires.

There is an audio mixer on the Nav5 which should allow you to mute the Navigation instructions while maintaining the phone output.

Hope this helps,

John Bentall
John Bentall

Re: Experience with BMW's Bluetooth Communication System.

Post by futterweasel »

RTman10 wrote: I use an Autocom Logic.  You can get them for rider only or for two.  Difference is an extra headset and cable.  These would cost you more bought separately.  The audio unit is connected directly to the Autocom unit with a cable Pt number 2273.  If you want to connect your phone to the system you will need their dongle BTM-02A.
The system gives you volume control on the wheel with all music showing on the dash and full control over it.  .  All of course is bike powered.  Mine is now on its third bike .

Hi does 2273 plug straight to the speaker wires?
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Re: Experience with BMW's Bluetooth Communication System.

Post by Casbar »

Paggers wrote:
My 2013 GS is fitted with the Starcom1 system from Autocom but due to the absence of any wired option I actually have to use the Bluetooth dongle to connect between the Nav5 and the intercom, then a wired connection into the helmet. With my new RT (due in around 3 weeks) I understood that there is again no straightforward way to fit in a wired connection so I had decided that rather than use BT from the bike to the intercom and wired into the helmet I may as well go BT straight to the helmet and lose the wires. To that end I have bought myself a Scala Q3. Obviously I am hoping that the Q3 is going to work fine with the RT audio system but if it doesn't then the option of falling back onto the wired system is appealing if I can get direct wired audio out from the stereo. To that end, would you mind explaining how the intercom is wired into the bike?


It will work, but depends what you call fine. I have a Packtalk, it will pair with the Nav V and will pair with the audio. Audio quality is not stunning but ok, I have no experience of the quality with wired so can't comment. The bike will not let a passenger also pair with the bike. To do that you need the BMW kit or wired. This has been discussed on this forum many times, so a search is your friend.

Re: Experience with BMW's Bluetooth Communication System.

Post by guest2360 »

Yes but they are best connected at the audio unit end of the speaker wires. On my last bike they were done by my dealer but there are instruction with the part. With the 2273 the speaker are live as well but the volume required by the Autocom is so little you never hear them.  There is a switched lead as well 2275 but it's twice the price and you need to drill somewhere for the switch.  It's not worth the bother.

Re: Experience with BMW's Bluetooth Communication System.

Post by futterweasel »

Thanks for that, I didn't know the lead was available a new project for winter fitting it. 

Re: Experience with BMW's Bluetooth Communication System.

Post by guest2360 »

Don't understand the comment, no straight forward way to fit a wired system.  It's very straight forward.  And once done needs no further imput from the rider . Just plug in and enjoy high quality sound at any speed.

Re: Experience with BMW's Bluetooth Communication System.

Post by octatonic »

Last edited by octatonic on Wed Nov 30, 2016 5:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Experience with BMW's Bluetooth Communication System.

Post by timminator »

octatonic wrote:
Cheers for the help.
Yes I'd want to connect my phone to the system.

I don't actually care about connecting the Nav V to the system- is there anywhere I can leave it off?
I am guessing not.
Reason being that the Nav V is a PITA for staying silent.
I don't want spoken instructions, I just want continuous music- and no matter how often I mute the Nav V at some stage it decides that it has had enough of being quiet and starts sending me traffic alerts- such as '1min added to your journey' beeps that interrupt the music.

As far as the installation of the bits- do you have them under the seat, or in one of the little glove boxes?

My concern with a wired system is the 'pain in the ass factor'.
I have some wired Gerbing heated gloves that most of the time I simply don't use because of all the faffing about to connect them up, then when I get off the bike for any reason (fuel, checking maps/GPS, loo break, lunch... whatever) and then I have to do it all over again.

I guess the thing about BT is it is convenient.
If I can get a BT solution that works it is less faff than having to connect/disconnect every time I stop the bike.
Also, knowing what I'm like there is likely to be about a month were about 50% of the time I forget that I'm wired into the bike get off and walk away whilst still connected, for what I guess will be a hilarious and/or costly effect.

I can definitely see the argument for a wired system though. Hmmmm.... torn.

If you look at this thread, I have some pics of the 2273 kit and how it's wired into the speakers.  I used a hybrid solution, with 2273 connected to the cable that connects to my Scalarider Q3.  I can now do both wired and bluetooth, depending on whether I set the audio unit to speakers or BT.

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