Gel, Air or Bean pad etc ... Numb bum cure wanted

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Re: Gel, Air or Bean pad etc ... Numb bum cure wanted

Post by Casbar »

I would try the air hawk, did ok for me, when I rode from Wales upto Scotland in one day. Secret seems to be minimum air. Bot as already stated I haven't really needed it on the RT, I just stop every couple of hours.
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Re: Gel, Air or Bean pad etc ... Numb bum cure wanted

Post by blokeonthemove »

I used an Airhawk on my 1600 as I think it had a low seat with less padding, I found that if I rode in the morning without the Airhawk then after lunch with it, like a new seat was really comfortable because it was different, I agree that you don't need much air in it as it relies on being able to change the profile of the surface you are sitting on. The RT seat is much more comfortable for me being the standard height.
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Re: Gel, Air or Bean pad etc ... Numb bum cure wanted

Post by kiki »

I also agree that the airhawk does the trick for me. To be honest , and maybe it is just me , I have yet to find a really good stock seat. It's one of the first things I change.  I am planning to upgrade my '16 seat to a Russell this coming winter, but in the meantime am using an Airhawk R size Large. 
I just completed an iron butt 18 hour run, and I have found that deviating the air pressure every 4 hours makes the pad more serviceable. The instructions recommend just enough pressure to get a tiny space off the seat. I have tried a firm pressure and then release a touch of air when I start to experience discomfort (usually after 3 hours or so).
High pressure does induce a slight sense of "roll", which is not great for sporty riding, so I only do this on highway rides.

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Re: Gel, Air or Bean pad etc ... Numb bum cure wanted

Post by Alf170 »

Airhawk +1. Prague to Calais, only stopping for fuel and coffee in 12 hours, 690 miles.  Pain free butt. In fact, pain free everything.
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Re: Gel, Air or Bean pad etc ... Numb bum cure wanted

Post by gogs01 »

Alf170 wrote: Airhawk +1. Prague to Calais, only stopping for fuel and coffee in 12 hours, 690 miles. Pain free butt. In fact, pain free everything.
That would have been an epic ride !
I have done long days in the saddle too and can't say it's ever been pain free, but then getting out of bed isn't pain free these days - or getting out of an armchair after watching TV - or .....  you'll get the drift. 
It's all relative, and the R1200RT is the least painful bike I've ridden (and my wife won't go pillion on anything else either !)
My 4th R1200RT = 2016 (2017 MY) R1200RT LE
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