Navigator V weirdness

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Navigator V weirdness

Post by garr2 »

On a just completed trip my Navigator V behaved weirdly.
i entered a destination, hit 'Go' and went. Shortly after starting off I noticed that while the map screen showed the route to take, the instructions never progressed. As I got further and further into the ride the ETA got later and later. It seemed like every minute I rode towards my destination set the ETA back another minute - as though I was riding away from it. The distance to destination and time to destination either increased as I rode towards my destination or remained stuck. Weirdness indeed!
I've just arrived home from my trip, connected the Nav V to the computer, downloaded a 3.40 update to Garmin Express and a software update for the GPS itself. I haven't had time to get out on the road again to see if these updates put an end to this weirdness but was wondering if anyone else has had a similar experience.

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Re: Navigator V weirdness

Post by BeeJay »

I seemto remember something similar happening with my 660.
I found out that it kept trying to route to an early waypoint, but, the route shown was up to date.
I stopped the navigating and reloaded the route and it worked okay.
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Re: Navigator V weirdness

Post by David. »

BeeJay wrote:I stopped the navigating and reloaded the route and it worked okay.
Was the route reloaded from the device, "Custom Routes", or imported again from the memory card.

Re: Navigator V weirdness

Post by guest2360 »

Sounds like it had entered a waypoint that it missed and was trying to return to it.  Did you follow its route the route all the way to your destination.
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Re: Navigator V weirdness

Post by BeeJay »

Imported from memory card
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Re: Navigator V weirdness

Post by Sprintgull »

RTman10 is right.  I did a day long round trip, but started off  along a slightly different route that that originally planned.  It kept trying to bring me back.  Cured it by stopping navigation, then restarting and selecting the next point I actually wanted to reach.

Re: Navigator V weirdness

Post by guest2360 »

I have done the same in the past with built routes.  My solution is before you import the route into the Nav, delete all the waypoints you do not intend to to actually stop at. The route won't change as long as you don't recalculate before transferring it.
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Re: Navigator V weirdness

Post by David. »

One thing I have learnt is creating a circular route with the same start/finish point can cause problems.
The sat. nav. sometimes just wants to take you back to the start/finish point all the time.
Now, I tend to create two linear routes to do the same job.
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Re: Navigator V weirdness

Post by garr2 »

No more weirdness.

I rang Garmin technical support and told them my story - in particular that the weirdness happened even when there were no way points.  They had never heard of such a malfunction. I told them that since arriving home from the weird trip I had downloaded an "Urgent" (Garmin Express' term) Nav V update. They said to go for a ride and see what happens .......... no more weirdness. I'm still trying to work out why it happened in the first place. Maybe the Nav V update I downloaded before i went on my trip had a bug that was subsequently patched by the "Urgent" download since I got home.

I don't know. But I don't understand string theory either or why the sky is blue, or how so many angels can fit on the head of a pin.

Last edited by garr2 on Sat Dec 17, 2016 9:32 am, edited 1 time in total.

Re: Navigator V weirdness

Post by guest2360 »

When did you get the Urgent Express download.  I can't remember any.
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Re: Navigator V weirdness

Post by Casbar »

Don't think a Garmin express update would have helped, think its probably more something that happened when you loaded the route. There is a garmin forum which is quite useful, found loads of info on there.
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Re: Navigator V weirdness

Post by garr2 »

When did you get the Urgent Express download.  I can't remember any.

In the week before I went on the trip I used Garmin Express to update my GPS. That was around the first week in December. My Nav V exhibited the weirdness the next time I used it - which was on my 1500 km trip.
When I got back (the second week in December) I plugged the Nav V into my computer and there was a further update available. I don't remember whether this particular update was for Gramin Express or the Nav V GPS unit itself. It was this update that I remember being referred to as an 'Urgent Update' by Garmin. After that it worked properly.
That's the way i remember it anyway.


Last edited by garr2 on Mon Dec 19, 2016 11:17 am, edited 1 time in total.

Re: Navigator V weirdness

Post by guest2360 »

Thanks.  It would have been a GPS update. 
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