Here is the rear flush. Notice the bag color to where the tube connects you can see where it ran clean. This was using the GS-911 to flush the ABS block.

I clean all brake parts, pads, pins, slides, anti rattle clips, and pucks every time I change tires. Just the way I have always kept up on my pad and calipers. The pucks over time get a ring built up around them of brake dirt so I clean them off and work the pucks out by hand to clean the rings off with brake cleaner and a tooth bruch.

The front reservoir looked like this.

And drawn out.

Front with some dirt rings showing.

Front ready for install.

I use a copper high temp anti seize on the pin in the front caliper and I also put a thin coat on the back of the pads where they contact the pucks.
The GS-911 ABS flush works very nice. Dirty fluid came out after my initial flush. Speed bleeders work great and the little speed bleeder bag and hose was no muss no fuss.
This is on a 15 so I see the need to be on the flush every 2 years. Others may not see the need for my removing the pads and cleaning the calipers and anti seizing the various slide parts and pins but just how I have always kept my bike.
A bit of work flushing the brakes, removing and installing two wheels, cleaning all the areas that are exposed when said wheels are removed and cleaning the three calipers but well worth the effort.