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Pins and needles sensation,

Posted: Sat May 27, 2017 6:08 am
by Duggie
I'm getting pins and Needles or tingling sensation in my right hand (whilst riding the bike that is !)
I've put on buddy grips to try and help, which it has slightly...but not stopped it.
Not sure what is causing the problem but it's bloody annoying.
Anyone had the same and found a solution ?? The bikes a 2015 LC

Re: Pins and needles sensation,

Posted: Sat May 27, 2017 8:21 am
by exportman

Are you gripping the throttle  too tight  or putting weight through your wrist?

Re: Pins and needles sensation,

Posted: Sat May 27, 2017 9:23 am
by julianq
ImageI use one of these, some love them some hate them but allows my wrist to hold throttle as well. Just use it at the right hand end and never caused a problem once used to it.

Re: Pins and needles sensation,

Posted: Sat May 27, 2017 9:29 am
by Levisp
The only thing I can think of is you need to relax more. Apart from tight grip on throttle, are you tense in arms and upper body. Do you ride with rigid straight arms. If you are relaxed then the only thing I can think of is when the road allows select cruise control and relax your throttle hand every once in a while. If I'm riding tense ( even though I think I'm relaxed ) I get a pain in my right shoulder blade. This goes when I truly relax.

Re: Pins and needles sensation,

Posted: Sat May 27, 2017 9:44 am
by Duggie
Thanks for the replies.
I'm not gripping too tight, I couldn't be any more relaxed or I'll fall off the bike..
I've tried different gloves, and also a different jacket just in case something's a bit tight on the wrist or elbow.
The buddy grips have helped in such away that I can ride a longer distance before the tingling kicks in.
Can you buy anything to alter the angle of the bars ? Or risers maybe...?


Re: Pins and needles sensation,

Posted: Sat May 27, 2017 10:11 am
by k9doc

It could be something to do with the set up of the bike. The reason I say this is that over the years I've had loads of bikes but only had a problem similar to yours on one which incidentally was an FJR 1300 ( had 4 others which were all ok.) This was in the days before Grip Puppies etc and I ended up taping foam to the grip to lessen the effect. The bike suffered a major issue (never knew what, causing inability to turn the engine) which forced me to trade it at a severe disadvantage. Not saying the vibration I felt had anything to do with it but you never know. When the RT TC first came out, I rode a Demonstrator and a low mileage pre owned back to back. The pre owned was a 'buzzy' bike and started to affect my right hand after a short while. Hence I went straight back to the Dealer and took the Demonstrator out which didn't buzz at all.
There are people on here with the knowledge to explain if there is something on the bike that can be balanced, and if out of balance, could cause the buzz and therefore the pins and needles which you are suffering from.
A bit of a ramble I know, but it may lead to a knowledgeable bod coming up with something more helpful. Hope you can sort it.

Re: Pins and needles sensation,

Posted: Sat May 27, 2017 1:29 pm
by smileymiley
Heavier bar end weights might help... buy some or add small strips of lead to the OE ones.

Re: Pins and needles sensation,

Posted: Sat May 27, 2017 2:00 pm
by Littlebriar
These bar risers raise the bars 41mm up and back. They helped me a great deal. I'm not sure where you live but they are US based. It's a good idea to rent the removal tools that they offer. With it, it's quite easy to install yourself. I had similar problems while riding bicycles and found my problem was related to angle of my wrist.

Re: Pins and needles sensation,

Posted: Sat May 27, 2017 2:07 pm
by slowvet
I run into that problem on my right hand also. Only when I wear gloves with the velcro wrist strap to tight. MX racing 500s back in the day would put my hands to sleep.

Re: Pins and needles sensation,

Posted: Sat May 27, 2017 5:45 pm
by Casbar
Had the same issue. Put grip puppies on which helped. But now the bike has done 10k and haven't noticed any tingling for months. So I am assuming the engine is now loosened up and the vibration has gone

Re: Pins and needles sensation,

Posted: Wed May 31, 2017 3:11 pm
by ds99
i had the same problem

i got a pair of heavier bar end weight from

but... the website does not seem to work anymore

Re: Pins and needles sensation,

Posted: Wed May 31, 2017 4:13 pm
by ds99
manic salamander now sells on ebay under the username manicsalamander

see here ... =12&_rdc=1