2005 with bad fuel strip
2005 with bad fuel strip
I'm just outside the 12 year extended warranty for this known issue. I am a creature of habit so I feel like I could effectively manage the lack of information about my fuel level through the trip odometer and my practice of filling up after every ride before I roll it into the garage. My larger concern is the system alert (yellow exclamation mark). Eventually I could teach myself to ignore it but my concern is that I would disregard a legitimate system alert around tire pressure, temperature, etc. If there was a way to disable to fuel gauge completely and the associated system alert, that would work for me. Anybody every have that done?
Re: 2005 with bad fuel strip
I had this on a 2009 but not with any warning triangle showing. I came across mountains of this failure in my earlier life as a parts manager but can never remember customers mentioning it. Could be me loosing the plot of course or have you something else going o .
- David.
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Re: 2005 with bad fuel strip
Has anyone tried "zapping" the fuel sensor to fix it, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZYk7CoFj8Zg
Last edited by David. on Mon Apr 02, 2018 12:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.
- David.
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Re: 2005 with bad fuel strip
BMW fuel ribbon emulator, https://hposkam.nl/en/product/tanklint-emulator/jsuttin wrote:If there was a way to disable to fuel gauge completely and the associated system alert, that would work for me.
Last edited by David. on Mon Apr 02, 2018 2:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Re: 2005 with bad fuel strip
Hi, I had mine replaced under warranty as it was bought from a dealer and came with 12months. Found this on interweb might be a solution. Good luck.
thanks and regards, Ganesh