Mirror problem

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Mirror problem

Post by Arek »

I posted that also on FB page and answers were pretty good. However I'll do it here as well because I know there are many owners from UK which have experience with local garages.

In my one month old 1250 I noticed that my left mirror catch vibrations from start, and became blurry with speed increase. Right one is steady and I do not see any issue.
I asked BMW last saturday at the 600 miles service and they told me that all is OK. And the blurring is from engine vibrations. [/font][/size]
But that not make sense for me. If that will be correct behaviour from engine vibrations did not should be present on both mirrors? What's your experience? In my opinion the blurry vision in mirror is not really acceptable (we are not riding harleys with vibrations beyond imagination)
I'm asking especially 1250 model owners.
How good in generat UK dealers are with this kind of issues? Do I have to prepare myself for battle? My Saturday experience wasn't really promising. 600 miles service suppose to be an hour and extended to 2,5h. Plus they did not found an issue. And told me that's normal.....

Also can you be able to point some video or tell me how to eventually dismount the mirror to check what's going on? I rather do not try fix it myself as the garage can say it's my fault, but at least I can check if all is in place like it should be.
I do not have time this week to go once again to dealer and ask them for demo bike to compare, which I have intention to do. Then I'm going for 2 weeks holiday, so I'll start my battle after holiday.
It will be really great to know how your bike behave. I would like to have as many "ammunition" I can before start serious talks with my local BMW dealer.
I really hope the Oxford BMW are reasonable guys and will not try dodge that issue.
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Re: Mirror problem

Post by Casbar »

I think I already replied as you posted this question on another forum. But on my 1250 the mirrors do not vibrate at all. They are exactly the same as the ones on my previous 1200, which also didn't vibrate. I would pursue through your dealer before trying to take the mirror apart.
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Re: Mirror problem

Post by Arek »

Casbar wrote: I think I already replied as you posted this question on another forum. But on my 1250 the mirrors do not vibrate at all. They are exactly the same as the ones on my previous 1200, which also didn't vibrate. I would pursue through your dealer before trying to take the mirror apart.
That was on Facebook so forgive me that I didn't recognise. You probably written that under your name, not Casbar nick.
Thank you for that. I definitely will squeeze more my local dealer.
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Re: Mirror problem

Post by Casbar »

Arek wrote: That was on Facebook so forgive me that I didn't recognise. You probably written that under your name, not Casbar nick.
Thank you for that. I definitely will squeeze more my local dealer.

No worries :)
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Re: Mirror problem

Post by Easyrider5258 »

Just to add, My 6 week old 1250 RT does have any blurring of either mirror.
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Re: Mirror problem

Post by MikeS »

Both of mine blur slightly at lower revs/ speeds but clear as the revs rise.
If one's  significantly worse than the other then there's a problem.
I think your right to take it up with the dealer again, the old " they all do that" just doesn't seem an acceptable response.  Did this come from the person on reception or from the technician on a test ride? If your mirrors don't do what they're supposed to then it's a safety issue.
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Re: Mirror problem

Post by MikeS »

Did you get this sorted? Be interesting to know what NOG's  response was to the problem.
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Re: Mirror problem

Post by Arek »

MikeS wrote: Did you get this sorted? Be interesting to know what NOG's  response was to the problem.
I'm last two weeks on holiday. Not on the bike BTW. So did not head the chance to do anything with it yet.
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Re: Mirror problem

Post by MikeS »

Nice to meet you today at NOG Arek. Bit of a coincidence, just happened to hear you speaking to the service guy about mirrors and saw a white RT outside. Guessed it was you.
Hope you got a satisfactory outcome to your. problem.
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Re: Mirror problem

Post by Arek »

MikeS wrote: Nice to meet you today at NOG Arek. Bit of a coincidence, just happened to hear you speaking to the service guy about mirrors and saw a white RT outside. Guessed it was you.
Hope you got a satisfactory outcome to your. problem.

It was great to meet you too Mike.
A bit of lucky meet. I'm so sorry to not stop for a longer chat. Apart from that mirror issue which I hope they fix (mirror replacement ordered) I also had puncture and was in rush to find someone who can repair it for me.
Unfortunately unlucky for me, all the places I've been already been closed, and car tyre repair places do not touch bikes, atr least those I visited.
So I spent most Sat looking for fix, and was unlucky. What a shame?

BTW you visited them? Or something else? I have hope that next time we will have more time to proper chat.
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Re: Mirror problem

Post by Arek »

Had mirror replaced last Saturday.
They admit at the end that the old one had some problems.
And in fact new one do not have any issues at all. It is stable, no blurring. I see the road like in the other one.

I'm happy at the end, however if I will not be stubborn and take their work "it is like that because engine vibrations". That will not be done.
When I asked at the first service I heard above, which is a bit disappointment for BMW.
Anyway happy that has been done and all is good now.
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