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Help me plan a tour to Patagonia (Argentina) please!

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2020 9:42 pm
by MattyP
Hello all.  Can I pick your brains regarding a possible trip to Argentina in Jan / Feb 2022 please? I am especially keen to hear from anybody who has ridden in this area.  We intend to follow the east coast route from Buenos Aires to Punta Arenas / Ushuaia visiting a number of ports my father visited whilst on the Atlantic convoys in WW2.  The distance is about 1500 miles and we (mate and I) want to hire a couple of road bikes / tourers in Buenos Aires and then drop them off when we get to Punta Arenas.  Reputable companies? Possible costs? Things to consider? Any advice or wisdom would be gratefully received including thoughts on decent quality but affordable accommodation options.  We thought a couple of weeks / 10 days ish would be plenty of time to ride each day whilst being able to get off the bikes to have a 'look see'.  Any thoughts on 'must see' locations etc would be welcome. 

Thanks in advance.  We are in the very early stages of thinking this through so please treat it as a blank canvas opportunity!

Cheers.  Matt.

Re: Help me plan a tour to Patagonia (Argentina) please!

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2020 10:07 pm
by jackronner
Sounds epic.  Having met a Brazilian on his loaded old [size=78%]R1000 in Montana on his way back from northern Alaska, he said he'd done 26k miles already, and was heading home to near Rio.  And I'd been bragging on a 10k tour around the US!!  Tried to Google map it, and apparently herniated  the system with no results.  It'll be a great ride, I'm sure.  Che Guevara did it, two-up, on an old 1939 Norton 500cc single-banger.  Now THAT was impressive.[/size]

Re: Help me plan a tour to Patagonia (Argentina) please!

Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2020 10:49 pm
by CarbonB55
Its all in these videos , full tour of South America until the virus threat cut her adventure short but she will return at some point .

Re: Help me plan a tour to Patagonia (Argentina) please!

Posted: Fri Sep 18, 2020 10:47 am
by MikeS
I'm fairly certain you must have come across this website:

Probably get a lot more info on there as it seems to be populated with world travellers.

Re: Help me plan a tour to Patagonia (Argentina) please!

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2020 8:47 pm
by MattyP
Many thanks to Mike, Carbon B55 and Jackronner for your valuable input.  I'll be following up on your suggestions and advice.  Much appreciated and sorry for the delay in replying but I've only just got back from touring in Northern Ireland for a week in the sunshine  8)  Matt

Re: Help me plan a tour to Patagonia (Argentina) please!

Posted: Tue Nov 10, 2020 10:20 am
by Reginald
Hi Matt,

I rode this route with a Globebusters trip in 2007. Few year ago now, but I doubt much has really changed in terms of distance, infrastructure etc.
Check out web site, they have got some trips down that way, I' sure.
If I can help further, come back to me.

Re: Help me plan a tour to Patagonia (Argentina) please!

Posted: Fri Nov 13, 2020 8:34 pm
by MattyP
Hi Paul.  Many thanks for your help with this.  I have enjoyed exploring the globebusters website - they clearly are experienced operators and have a very wide range of trips. Might need to save up a bit first - it's all a bit pricey (to be expected).  I may well get back to you at some point in the future as / when I firm up my plans.

PS.  I too ride a 2017 RT LE........ absolutely love it!  :)


Re: Help me plan a tour to Patagonia (Argentina) please!

Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2020 8:33 pm
by Steve398
Try this site -
They have regular meetings, their forums are a priceless fund of knowledge. Thoroughly recommended!