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Visor Down?

Posted: Sun Nov 01, 2020 5:54 pm
by Gavj
This is an issue I have strugged with on my last bike, Triumph Trophy, and now my RT. In the rain, if I close my visor my helmet gets stuffy.. not enough air gets to the chin vent. If i crack it open slighty, rain comes in from the top ans wets the inside of the visor. So what do you guys do, lower the screen amd close the visor?
To be fair, today was the first run in the rain with my 1250, will need to try a few variations. Anyone got a solution to this. My hemet is a shoei neotec flip front with a pinock insert.

Re: Visor Down?

Posted: Sun Nov 01, 2020 8:59 pm
by MikeS
in my experience that's one of the issues with modular helmets, the chin curtain, neck rolls etc do an excellent job of limiting wind noise but at the same time reduce air flow through the helmet.  I've had a couple of BMW system helmets that had the same problems you describe.

Not really a solution to your problem but I went back to full face Shoei's, bit noisier but more airflow even with the visor closed.

Re: Visor Down?

Posted: Sun Nov 01, 2020 10:26 pm
by scunny12
Never had a problem with my full face Arai. Now going back a few decades, with a Stadium open face and a clip on visor, that fogged like nobody's business!

Re: Visor Down?

Posted: Mon Nov 02, 2020 3:23 am
by eral
That would be close to a century. I had one of those with the pressure buttons? No bueno.

Some manufacturers have helmets with an anti-fog insert that you stick on the visor. It seems to work pretty well on mine after two winters. Don't want to run a commercial but I went for an Arai because it is pretty much the only brand offering an oval shape.Eric

Re: Visor Down?

Posted: Mon Nov 02, 2020 8:19 am
by PeteM
I have a Neotec II and I don't use the chin curtain which solves the problem for me. I also often adjust the screen so that the windblast hits the visor to keep it clear but keep the rain off my body which improves it even more

Re: Visor Down?

Posted: Mon Nov 02, 2020 8:51 am
by jackronner
There are some anti-fogging spray on products out there.  Never used them myself, and I do wonder if the chemical smell might prove annoying.  On the grotty side, on one cold day I did what the skin divers do:  I spat on the inside of the visor, added a bit of water and spread it around with a cloth.  Worked reasonably well.

Re: Visor Down?

Posted: Mon Nov 02, 2020 8:54 am
by PeteM
A Couple of you seem to be missing the point of the original question. He is not worrying about a steamed up visor as he has a pinlock, he is concerned about lack of fresh air.

Re: Visor Down?

Posted: Mon Nov 02, 2020 9:33 am
by Gavj
Thanks Pete, and all, yes it the lack of air that bothers me, the visor doesn't steam up most of the time, only now and again. I dont have the chin curtain but the air vent is located at the chin which is out of the air flow.

Re: Visor Down?

Posted: Mon Nov 02, 2020 12:30 pm
by Casbar
Find that with the standard screen, but with the Werks Quiet ride I have fitted, the screen is set lower and stops buffeting, but you still get air flow onto the helmet. I also have a Neotec 2 and it's fine on my own bike, but when I ride our 1250 with standard screen if I adjust it to stop buffeting there is no air flow.

Re: Visor Down?

Posted: Mon Nov 02, 2020 2:21 pm
by fink
Have you tried opening the top vents? My schuberth E1 is the same when you close the visor vent. 

Re: Visor Down?

Posted: Mon Nov 02, 2020 5:42 pm
by Gavj
fink wrote: Have you tried opening the top vents? My schuberth E1 is the same when you close the visor vent.

Top vent works well... too well  :(  bloomin freezing with that open.....

I am trying to find a way of running with the visor very slightly open, but the water ingress is too alarming, especially if drops hit my glasses as well as the visor......may have a look at adding a foam seal to the top of the visor.

I dont drive often in the rain, tend to get caught in the rain as the bike is purely a toy I dont head out in the rain.... if its raining I play with the car  :alas:  hence why its taking me so long to figure this one out.

Re: Visor Down?

Posted: Wed Nov 04, 2020 8:27 am
by Cmatthews
I have the same problem, exacerbated with the screen up. I keep the visor closed and lower the screen - get some buffeting but the airflow is improved enormously. I have lately found that with a bit of experimentation I can position the screen so that the top vent picks up airflow; not a perfect solution but the best yet. It’s a serious issue. Some years ago, I was riding across France and towards the end of the trip, I dropped the bike in a petrol station. Fatigue was part of it, but i think prolonged, reduced fresh air also had a role.

Re: Visor Down?

Posted: Wed Nov 04, 2020 3:42 pm
by Sprintgull
I've got a Neotec.  What works for me is having the chin vent open and just below the air coming off the top of the screen; nice breeze and no misting.  On mine that means the screen is a third to a half up.  If I have the screen any lower and the chin vent is right out in the wind then water can come through it and up on to the inside of the visor.

Re: Visor Down?

Posted: Tue Nov 10, 2020 9:38 pm
by csmith
I wear a NOLAN N105 modular helmet and don't have any issue with rain entering while having the shield open to the first detent.  Plenty of air for my liking, but I don't use the chin curtain even in cold weather (below freezing).