Hi DaygloDavid, re the black center block, do you have to split / undo this to attach a cradle / mount, thus securing the cradles fittings inside it or through the `Block' ? ( if you have any fitting instructions would be useful ) Ta.
Last edited by stelyn on Sat Feb 07, 2015 4:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Only a Motorcyclist knows why a dog rides with his head out the car window
The picture shown does not show all the bits required. The block comes in two halves and you have to stick the two smaller rubber strips inside as these act as an adjustment to angle the block once attached. the two bolts shown go in the two central holes. These you screw up until you can smoothly move the block on the bar. The outer 4 holes take longer bolts which fit through the Navigator cradle. I have never seen a set if instruction showing you how.
Hi RTman10, thanks for the info, I have just picked up this used part with the center block already firmly secured on it, I've already fitted it to the RT using the existing 2 dash torx screws. No other fittings came with it, so was wondering about the 4 outer holes as they don't go all the way through the block , just `open' on the front side, was not sure if you drill through to fit cradle or have to split the block open then fix ?
Only a Motorcyclist knows why a dog rides with his head out the car window
Hi DaygloDavid, re the black center block, do you have to split / undo this to attach a cradle / mount, thus securing the cradles fittings inside it or through the `Block' ? ( if you have any fitting instructions would be useful ) Ta.
Yes, the black centre block is in two halves, the cradle/mount is secured to the top half before it is clamped around the tubular bracket.
The only additional part I purchased with the bracket was a Clear Film, Part No. 46542315901, which wraps around the tubular bracket before clamping the two halves together.
Last edited by David. on Sat Feb 07, 2015 5:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Anyone installed their own cabling for a Sat Nav, I'm trying to work out the best `routing' for it, from the mount bar down, to the spare socket on the harness ( 2012 model, situated above forks ) I have the `Nippy Normans' cable attachment plug, but not sure if I need to ease the dash off and thread the cable down behind . Didn't really want the cable on show, stuck to the side of the dash. Any photos would be useful, thanks
stelyn wrote:
The BMW GPS Mounting Bracket
Only a Motorcyclist knows why a dog rides with his head out the car window
Undo the 4 screws securing the instrument cluster cover & remove the cover.
A gap will appear behind the clocks where the cables can be routed, working to the lefthand side of the centre is the easiest.
Last edited by David. on Sun Mar 01, 2015 2:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Thanks for the help today in identifying the correct plugs Dayglodavid, Sat Nav now fitted and working OK , the details posted should be of help to others....
Only a Motorcyclist knows why a dog rides with his head out the car window