stelyn wrote:
Hi Spencert231, know the area reasonably well, stayed for a while last summer in the Poitiers, Limoges and Saintes regions. 8)
That's right I live between Angouleme and Limoges unfortunately spend most of my time is spent travelling about as a "safetyman" recently completed 12 months in Sussex. I have never seen so many drain covers on corners in my life as I did in Suffolk

[size=78%]When you compare the roads of France, Italy, Germany, etc either they haven't got drains or they plan better lol Nevertheless I do like riding in UK especially Wales, Scotland, East and West Sussex and Yorkshire.[/size]
The roads here are so good I have even turned around to ride parts a second time. Good places to visit Oradour Sur Glane (not sure that's spelt correctly) Brantome and other great sites with roads to match.
We are off to Singapore and Australia in February unfortunately no bike allowed lol. But on my return the bike will definitely be out and about.