I've finally managed to source a decent (actually very good) LED marker, that's at least as bright as a HID bulb.
Its the new Philips LUXEON 6000K LED. And i'm very impressed with it, as i've had one on my Ducati during my recent 2000mile blast around France and Spain, where it performed brilliantly (literally). :bow
So i've now put one in my RT...
DRL's only - All taken in bright sunlight.

Low Beam LED

Low Beam and LED Aux's

+ High Beam - OEM Halogen (i'll also be changing these for LEDs soon)

And some night shots.

As you'll know, changing the Low Beam bulb is a fiddly fecker, as you have to do it my feel alone. So fitting the LED and Ballast was quite tricky, but it all went in, and only took me about 15 mins.