Had this happen once. While riding back country roads, on a downhill, the check engine light came on, bike lost all power, engine was running and the tach was reading about 2500 RPM's, but again, no power, couldn't accelerate. I'm not sure the bike would have gone 15 miles an hour if the road was flat. I coasted to a spot I could pull over. Shut the bike off, waited about a minute, restarted the bike, check engine light went off, engine went back to normal and has been normal since. Bike had 6600 mi when this happened. Took the bike to the dealership, they said the computer didn't store any engine fault codes and they have no idea what could have been the problem.
Not a comforting feeling. Could have been very dangerous if it would have happened on while on the freeway.
Anybody experience the same or have any ideas what happened?
2014 RT Check engine light?
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