2016 RT Headlight Pro Question
2016 RT Headlight Pro Question
just picked up my bike and trying to figure out how to get the LED lights to oscillate. I have the headlight pro on it, but have seen some bikes where the LEDs oscillate (if that's the right word) and would like to set mine up so they do. Any help is appreciated. Thanks!
Re: 2016 RT Headlight Pro Question
Sorry, not possible. Only two settings. With DRL/Auto and it's daylight all the other lights are off except for the rear one and they are very bright. Switch to dip or when Auto is set and the dip comes on and the eyes dim. That's it. If you have the auxiliary nights fitted they will only work with dip on.
Re: 2016 RT Headlight Pro Question
Are you perhaps referring to the oscillation or "blinking"" that is seen on some videos on line? If so, what you are seeing is the frequency of the LED lights and the camera frame rate coming into synch, which makes the lights look like they are blinking when filmed. LED lights are actually flashing at a frequency that is imperceptible by the human eye. That is, according to the manufacturers of LED light systems, how they are dimmed -- they reduce the frequency of "on" vs "off".
Chris B. https://www.youtube.com/user/kiki231000
Re: 2016 RT Headlight Pro Question
Thanks for the input. I am referring to what I've seen in some videos. Too bad it can't be set up that way, as I think it would improve visibility (and it looks cool!)
Re: 2016 RT Headlight Pro Question
At least you won't be mistaken for some lunatic cyclist at a distance. They all seem to have flashing ones found here.
Re: 2016 RT Headlight Pro Question
BMW in it's wisdom as done riders a dirty trick, in that when you switch to high beams, the voltage to low beam drops to 6 volts! If you switch to LED's or HID's this can ruin them in minutes, so you'll need a fuse block directly wired to the battery, with a trigger connected to the ignition to make it work.
Re: 2016 RT Headlight Pro Question
I've run mine for a year with HID on low beam and LED on full with no problems lotoofla wrote: BMW in it's wisdom as done riders a dirty trick, in that when you switch to high beams, the voltage to low beam drops to 6 volts! If you switch to LED's or HID's this can ruin them in minutes, so you'll need a fuse block directly wired to the battery, with a trigger connected to the ignition to make it work.

Re: 2016 RT Headlight Pro Question
On the subject of flashing lights - I was picking up a new front light for my son's bike and while reading the packet was very interested to note the section which clearly stated that using the light in flashing mode is illegal on UK roads. Shame that's yet another thing that is clearly not enforced as I find them incredibly distracting. Especially the ones that are angled up so they flash straight into your eyes. (That was another bit on the instructions for the light, clearly showing that the beam needs to be angled down onto the road to "avoid distracting or dazzling other road users".)
2016 (2017 MY) R1200 RT LE in white and black. Find me on twitter: @2WheelSolo. Also posting motorcycle vlogs on youtube: https://goo.gl/iM7y6X