Casbar wrote:
Lets get one thing straight, I don't give a flying toss what you choose to ride with. I don't think I was being negative saying that I look over the screen rather than through it. Is it also being negative saying you better hope you don't get stopped by plod, I was making the point that if something happened they would look for any indiscretion, and they do have meters that can tell the tint of windscreens and I guess visors. Think your screen looks lovely and hope you both are happy together.
Get over yourself you smug numpty.
So far everything you've chosen to write has come accross as negative and condescending.
However having had a very quick look through some of your previous posts in other threads that just seems to be your general approach though doesn't it ?
Quite frankly as a Retired Police Officer myself I'm fully aquanited with UK legislation, the manner in which it's interpreted by UK Police Forces (Yes as posted by RTman10 various peices of legislation relating to the Road Traffic Act and several other Act's are indeed often enforced, in a different manner from one Police Force to the next) and don't need unsolicited advice from you on what I should do or be worried about if as you so elequently put it I ever "get stopped by plod".
Thanks for your delightful and friendly input, have lovely evening.