Screen fault on 05 rt

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Screen fault on 05 rt

Post by adewhitmarsh »

I have a problem with the screen not going all the way up,will go down ok.Is it a faulty switch ??
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Re: Screen fault on 05 rt

Post by David. »

adewhitmarsh wrote:Is it a faulty switch?
Could well be, sounds similar to the problem in this thread,
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Re: Screen fault on 05 rt

Post by simbo »

Sounds more like a 'mechanism' fault if it's going up partially.
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Re: Screen fault on 05 rt

Post by rtwiz »

adewhitmarsh wrote: I have a problem with the screen not going all the way up,will go down ok.Is it a faulty switch ??

I have an '05 RT.  I've never had that problem but I've had my bike completely apart.  if the screen won't go up all the way:

1. There is a limit-switch in the mechanism to prevent the screen from travelling too far.  If that has moved or is faulty, your screen with just stop as if you let go of the button.   

2.  If there is mechanical binding or you have the feeling that the windscreen is not straight when you extend it, likely one of the support arms has broken.  This is rather common with these bikes, especially if a larger aftermarket screen has been installed.   

My bike broke 2 of the uppers in fairly rapid succession that were fixed under warranty when it was still new.  When the 3rd one broke,  I got tired of asking the dealer, so I bought one and installed it myself. 

Then, I looked around and found that a lot of people have this issue.    Enough so that someone devised an aftermarket solution.  There are replacement arms made of aluminum (instead of pot-metal?) for both the upper and lower arms.    You can buy online at    The uppers break more commonly. I broke one lower one, but it took several years and many hard miles with a CeeBaileys turning screen...which I love...well worth all the trouble. 

Installing takes a bit of time because the screen, dash and nose have to be pulled off. Once that stuff is off, it's easy to see what's going on.    This is not difficult, but you need a nice, organized place to do it with good light.  Also, you should have the BMW CD...very helpful for seeing how things are screwed together. 

Almost all the screws are the same, so it's easy to replace them on re-assembly. 

I would block out a couple hours on a weekend for the job if you haven't been in there before.  I think I could do it now in about 30 minutes...I know the turf!

Have fun!


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Re: Screen fault on 05 rt

Post by Giancarlo »

Howdy, if i follow the procedure (Installing takes a bit of time because the screen, dash and nose have to be pulled off. Once that stuff is off, it's easy to see what's going on. This is not difficult, but you need a nice, organized place to do it with good light. Also, you should have the BMW CD...very helpful for seeing how things are screwed together) will that also give me access to headlight adjustment mechanism? My adjustment screw doesn't do anything.
Thanks in advance,
2012 r1200rt
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